Support LOLA

Thank you for your help in building opportunities for artists, supporting the creation of new work, and offering free and low cost opera experiences for all in Austin and beyond!

We hope you will join us for some exciting projects coming up in 2024! This spring, LOLA presents a workshop of the new Spanish-language operetta, Un Cuento de Luces y Sombras by composer Carlos Cordero and librettist Germán Barboza. Additionally we are commissioning a world premiere piece by Peter Stopschinski for Austin's new music mega-collab, Here Be Monsters, and we will be partnering with Waterloo Park for the 3rd year of our free community-wide concert series Outside Voices. We continue to prevail in keeping our overhead low allowing us to engage with any projects of interest that pop up outside of our planned schedule. We will certainly keep you apprised of those projects and events.

It is an honor and privilege to serve this community and to be in community with YOU!